
Pat called in thisNJ 8 point from 100 yards withaPrimosBleatCan and True Talker grunt tube.Atsbout 15 yards Pat let an arrow fly fromhisHoyt RampageXT. He ran 50 yards and piled up. 11/10/12
2011-2012 Whitetail Gallery
UBNJ Jamboree 2013
UBNJ Jamboree 2013
UBNJ Jamboree 2013
UBNJ Jamboree 2013
Courtney's Monmouth Monster
Member Courtney Erndl took this great buck while hunting in Monmouth County.
Courtney's Monmouth Monster
Pete's Denville Buck
Member Pee Hamiltton took his 8 pointer while hunting on the uBNJ's Denville management hunt.
Pete's Denville Buck
Pete's Denville Buck
Member Pete Hamilton took his 8 pointer while hunting on the UBNJ's Denville management hunt.
Pete's Denville Buck