Advertise with the UBNJ


Magazine Ad prices are for 1 year (3 issues)

Inside front/back cover color full page ad $1,000.00

1/2 page ad (7.5" x 5") $425.00

1/4 page ad (7.5" x 2.5" or 3.25" x 5") $320.00

Business Card ads (3.5" x 2") $120.00

$1000+ donation/sponsor (hunts, merchandise, etc.)

  1. Free yearly ad in UBNJ magazine, 1/2 page digital ad (supplied by sponsor)
  2. Listed as sponsor in UBNJ magazine (text)
  3. Free social media mention

$500 donation/sponsor (hunts, merchandise, etc.)

  1. One free ad in UBNJ magazine, 1/2 page digital ad (supplied by sponsor)
  2. Listed as sponsor in UBNJ magazine (text)
  3. Free social media mention

* discount does not apply to business card ads

For more information, please contact:

Courtney Erndl (732) 616-5137 or

Darren Guglielmelli (732) 857-0026

Payment can be sent to:

Pete Planer, PO Box 11, Ringwood, NJ 07456

Makes checks or money order payable to United Bowhunters of NJ. Paypal payment requests can be sent to

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